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The Biggest hurdle for Real Estate investors is Liquidity, and the solution is always OPM - Other Peoples Money

Earnest Money (EMD)

Our EMD program gives you access to the earnest money you need for PSA acceptance by the seller. Giving you the ability to complete the due diligence process and close on the deal. 

Transactional Funding

Our Transactional funding will buy the property at the contracted price as long as you already have a buyer at a higher price. The perfect program for all wholesalers.

Gap Funding

Our Gap program is a funding product designed to help fill the gap between the down payment required for a property and the financing secured by the borrower. Perfect for syndicators struggling to finish a capital raise for a property  

Soft Cost

Our Soft Cost product is designed to help our partners pay for costs that are incurred throughout the due diligence process that do not turn into equity at closing. These expenses can include attorney fees, property reports, lender fees, retainer fees, set up fees, and much more. 

Our short term liquidity services allow operators and sponsors to secure financing quickly, enabling them to take advantage of opportunities in the competitive real estate market.

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